Work has been almost as slow as my posting, which explains the large gap between this post and my last. Honestly, there has been not much of anything happening at work. In fact, this has been a very slow year. Our call volume is off by about 40 calls or so. What that means is that last year at this time we had 40 more calls than we have at this time this year. If things don't pick up this last quarter, I'm dreading the end of the year chewing out we might receive for such a slow year.
Once again I've been toying with the idea of closing down this blog. I started it to chronicle my transition from retail to funeral directing, as a record to see my progress from neophyte graduate to full blown funeral director. I'm not saying this blog has run its course, but there certainly are times when I struggle for material to write about. If I do stop the blog, I will keep it up for people to discover. Besides, I'm not sure if there's anyway to save it other than to keep it up and open. I'll let you know.
Once again I've been toying with the idea of closing down this blog. I started it to chronicle my transition from retail to funeral directing, as a record to see my progress from neophyte graduate to full blown funeral director. I'm not saying this blog has run its course, but there certainly are times when I struggle for material to write about. If I do stop the blog, I will keep it up for people to discover. Besides, I'm not sure if there's anyway to save it other than to keep it up and open. I'll let you know.