And So Begins My New Life

Join me as I embark on a new life and new career in Funeral Services.

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Location: Southeast, United States

I'm a Funeral Services graduate embarking on a new career. I graduated high school in 1981, served honorably in the United States Navy from 1982-1986, been married since 1986, and have one son. I've relocated to a new state and have begun working in my chosen profession of Funeral Services, and I've never been happier.

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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Free At Last

Today was my last day. Monday I report to work for the original owner at his newest acquisition. It's a longer commute, but I know I will be much happier there, and I know I will be respected and appreciated. These are sentiments I never quite felt from my old boss. There will be much to learn; which cemeteries do we usually go to, how to process there, where all the different hospitals and nursing homes are, things of that nature. I'll keep you posted as to how the transition goes. I'm very excited. I also heard from my new boss today; he says the workday there starts at 8:30, so I can still get up at my usual time. I thought I was going to have to start rising earlier to make it to work by 8:00, but that is no longer an issue. Thank heavens, because I am not a morning person.


Blogger chirish said...

That is fantastic! Good luck, you have certainly paid your dues. Onward and upward.

3:19 PM  

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