How Busy Can It Get?
The answer, judging by our calls this week, is "very." We had one call over the weekend, but on Monday we had four. One right at 8am, one around lunchtime, and two in the afternoon. All four, plus the one from the weekend, are full service burials. Today we had another call. In all, between now and Saturday, we have four visitations, and five burials. (One of our services is graveside at the National Cemetery-no visitation). We did have one service today, which was from a call we got last week. This burial was the first of four to take place at the National Cemetery. Two of those will be on Thursday, the last one on Friday. I'll be taking the early service out in the old hearse, while my boss handles the later service with the new coach. It's only the third day of February, and I think we're already up to 5 or 6 calls. Normally this wouldn't be such a big deal, because a significant portion of our business is cremation, but all of these calls are full service burials, which creates a lot of work and is more time consuming than simple cremations. However, I am not complaining at all because all this business keeps the owner satisfied, and it's job security, which cannot be overrated in this economy.
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