And So Begins My New Life

Join me as I embark on a new life and new career in Funeral Services.

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Location: Southeast, United States

I'm a Funeral Services graduate embarking on a new career. I graduated high school in 1981, served honorably in the United States Navy from 1982-1986, been married since 1986, and have one son. I've relocated to a new state and have begun working in my chosen profession of Funeral Services, and I've never been happier.

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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

A New Hearse On The Horizon

Today our owner had a hearse salesman come by the funeral home to discuss the possibility of ordering a new hearse. As of right now, we have two. I may have reported on this elsewhere in this blog, I'm not sure. Anyhow, our newest hearse is a 1996 with 21,000 miles on it. Our second hearse, which we use mainly for removals, is a 1988 with over 100,000 miles. This is also the hearse we use for those 100 mile (round trip distance) trips to the National Cemetery. I'm surprised it hasn't broken down on us while making one of these processions. When we do replace it, the 1996 model will become our "work" hearse, and the new one will be strictly for local services.


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