And So Begins My New Life

Join me as I embark on a new life and new career in Funeral Services.

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Location: Southeast, United States

I'm a Funeral Services graduate embarking on a new career. I graduated high school in 1981, served honorably in the United States Navy from 1982-1986, been married since 1986, and have one son. I've relocated to a new state and have begun working in my chosen profession of Funeral Services, and I've never been happier.

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Saturday, May 13, 2006

My Family's Arriving!

My wife and son will join me tomorrow! I'm so excited, I miss them so much. I can't wait for them to arrive. I do have to work some tomorrow, a visitation from 1-5, but I should be home before they arrive. I've had the past couple of days off, so I've been relaxing, doing a little grocery shopping, catching up on laundry and doing some reading. Yesterday I spent a good bit of the day vegged out in front of the TV watching HBO. I saw "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban." It was ok, but I'm just not a huge Potter fan. I also watched "Kingdom of Heaven" which was a good movie. I may put that on my "to buy" list.


Blogger Alucard said...

I hated Kingdom of Heaven. It was laughably historically innacurate, and blatantly anti-religion. The amazing accomplishment of that film is that Ridley Scott succeeded in taking religion out of the crusades (at least in many of the ways that mattered), which is just silly.

2:55 PM  

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