And So Begins My New Life

Join me as I embark on a new life and new career in Funeral Services.

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Location: Southeast, United States

I'm a Funeral Services graduate embarking on a new career. I graduated high school in 1981, served honorably in the United States Navy from 1982-1986, been married since 1986, and have one son. I've relocated to a new state and have begun working in my chosen profession of Funeral Services, and I've never been happier.

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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Landscaping While We're Slow

There hasn't been much to write about lately because business has been so slow. We spent the last three days pulling the old mulch out of the flowerbeds and laying down new mulch. I'm glad to be done with that project. This morning about 6:30 we got our first call in about a week.

I spent the day working on inventory, taking a physical count of all the caskets in the funeral home and checking serial numbers. Final count was 82. However, while the quantity matched what the computer said we should have, the descriptions and serial numbers did not. Apparently some mistakes have been made when transferring items out of inventory into the "Sold" files, or wherever they wind up. We've almost got it straightened out, though.


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